Backup Day-31 March 2020

World Backup Day 2020 is celebrated annually on 29th of March since 2011. The event started as an independent initiative in order to raise awareness, remind and encourage people to back up their data. This date is precisely chosen by the creators as a humorous reference to April fool’s Day because they don’t want anybody to be fooled by losing precious data.

This year’s theme is about taking the Backup Pledge “I solemnly swear to backup my important documents and precious memories on March 31st”.
Take a moment to pause and take stock of your essential personal or business data handling and ensure it is appropriately configured.

Loss of important data involves a high risk of closing a small or medium business, it is crucial to be prepared. If every other strategy fails, backups will be in place to arrest the fall and the business will be able to continue. Trained staff that keeps these solutions in working order can secure business growth and efficiency. At the end, a backup plan that doesn’t work isn’t much of a plan.

Celebrate with us the World Backup Day and overcome the threats of your digital work and life by following regular backups that adhere to the golden business rule of backup:
3-2-1 principle: keep at least 3 copies of the data, store 2 local copies on different media, keep at least 1 backup copy off-site.

How do you backup?
Backup your files in one of the following two ways: to an external drive, or online.