ISO 41001 – Facility management – Management systems

Demonstrate effective and efficient facility management that supports the objectives of your organization aim to consistently meet the needs of interested parties and for applicable requirements and aims to be sustainable in a globally-competitive environment.

What is ISO 41001?

ISO 41001 Facility management integrates multiple disciplines in order to have an influence on the efficiency and productivity of economies of societies, communities and organizations, as well as the manner in which individuals interact with the built environment. FM affects the health, well-being and quality of life of many of the world’s societies and population through the services it manages and delivers.

While Facility management has such a broad impact, recognition of its principles and practices at a global level has been lacking. This standard provides the basis for a common interpretation and understanding of FM and the ways in which it can benefit organizations of all kinds and sites.

The development of the market for Facility Management services would be enhanced by the presence of a common global structure and supporting standard. The sector benefits from a common basis upon which FM can be assessed and measured.

In a globally-competitive environment, Facility management organizations and providers need to communicate among themselves and with interested parties using common principles, concepts and terms, including assessment and measurement of performance. ISO 41001 raises the standard of care and quality.

Why is ISO 41001 important for your business?

Facility management is the organizational function that integrates people, place and process within the built environment, with the purpose of improving the quality of life of people and the productivity of the core business.

This means everything from advising on the requirements for the next move to organizing security, maintaining the lifts and, possibly, hiring/firing the caterers. With flexible working, office spaces are now calculated on multiple workers per desk.

The benefits of ISO 41001
  • Improving productivity, safety, health and well-being of the workforce
  • Improving communication of requirements and methodologies between public and private organizations
  • Providing efficiency and effectiveness, improving the cost benefits for organizations
  • Enhance service consistency.
  • Providing a common platform for all types of organizations.
  • Gaining a competitive advantage.
  • Increasing the value of facilities.
  • Provide a global landmark
  • Prevention of unexpected failures
  • Reduction of maintenance and repair costs