Since 2011, World Backup Day 2021 has been observed yearly on March 31st all across the world. This day applies to both corporations and individuals. This date has been chosen as a reminder to safeguard our valuable digital records. We’re taking this annual occasion to avoid putting it off; we’re backing up all of our data today!
Data is irreplaceable, and it is worth more than any equipment.
Because they don’t want anyone to be tricked by their own devices, this day is chosen to be commemorated one day before April Fool’s Day. Every day, there are numerous threats that can lead us to lose data. It’s critical to understand that even a minor mishap or failure can wipe out all of your valuable possessions. A device can get stolen or crash, virus can hold data hostage until a payment is done to remove the restraints or important data accidentally gets deleted.
Use the golden business rule of backup: 3-2-1 principle: keep at least 3 copies of the data, store 2 local copies on different media, keep at least 1 backup copy off-site.
Backup Options: External hard drives, USB sticks or purchase some space in the cloud.
Cloud back up is the easiest and most economical and effective way of keeping your important data safe.
Take the pledge to Backup your phone, computer, tablet, and share with the world #WorldBackUpDay.