As per the European Commission CE Marking is a “passport” which allows free circulation of the products throughout the European Economic Area.
CE Marking the abbreviation of “Conformite Européenne,” is a label that must appear on all products sold in the EU Member States
The CE marking indicates that the manufacturer or importer complies with the relevant EU legislation applicable to a product and that he declares conformity with all legal requirements.
Our organization as a Local Agent of Notified Bodies has the ability to certify your products as per the following EU Directives:
- 92/42/EEC Hot-Water Boilers
- Regulation (EU) No 305/2011 Construction products
- 2006/42/EC Machinery
- 2014/29/EU Simple Pressure vessels
- 2014/68/EU Pressure equipment
- Regulation (EU) 2016/426 Appliances burning gaseous fuels
Key benefits of CE Marking
- A single framework of rules within the EU
- Establish a single market and foster economic development in the EU member states
- Simplify the movement of goods within the EU which may be caused by differences in national laws
- CE Marking in combination with other certifications can be cost and time effective