- The Client facilities specified in the Certification Contract must have an effectively implemented and documented management system, which complies with the standard as specified in the Certification Agreement.
- Complete Internal audits followed by management reviews of the client’s management system should be carried out at least once in a year. At least one complete cycle of Internal Audit and Management review shall be completed before Certification Audit.
- All records pertaining to the implementation of the quality management system must be made available to authorized LiberoAssurance personnel including records of external complaints and remedial actions taken.
- Access to all business and production areas must be made available to authorized LiberoAssurance personnel to ensure an effective and efficient audit including all documentation relating to the management system for which Certification is being undertaken.
- A designated individual must be appointed by the Client to be responsible for ensuring that the management system requirements are observed.
- For any Management System the Client must comply with the Certification Program requirements, mandatory legal or regulatory requirements, statutory requirements which apply to the Client’s production processes or services. The Client must maintain a manual register of regulatory requirements that are applicable and shall comply with the same. In the event of Client (organization) conducting a violation of the legal / regulatory / statutory requirement, the client will inform LiberoAssurance on its own, proactively and voluntarily. In case a violation of legal / regulatory / statutory requirement is observed during the course of Certification (stage 2) and surveillance Audit, the audit team will notify the client’s management of the violation. The client shall ensure and provide evidence to LiberoAssurance that the appropriate authorities have been notified of the violation as per the prescribed procedures of the relevant authorities.
- All significant changes to the Client’s organization, products, processes or services which may affect the Certification or compliance to the audited standard must be communicated to LiberoAssurance. This may require LiberoAssurance to undertake further Audit to review the impact of these changes on the Certification.
- The frequency and duration of surveillance visits may be increased if a significant number of non-conformances or complaints are reported.
- Original management system documentation held by the Client must be made available to authorized LiberoAssurance personnel at each visit.
- Appeals against any decision taken by LiberoAssurance regarding the Client’s Certification are covered by a documented appeals procedure which is available upon request.
- The Client must inform LiberoAssurance of any significant non-conformances of which they are aware, through internal audit or other means. The Client is responsible for the adoption of sound policies to maintain the reliability of their management system. It should be understood that LiberoAssurance is assessing the quality management system and is not in any way certifying the effectiveness of the quality of any product or service. The Client cannot use the Certification of its quality management system as “proof” that it offers quality products or services.
- If the Client’s management system is registered by LiberoAssurance, the Client is entitled to use the service mark of LiberoAssurance. The Client agrees not to misrepresent the Certification by LiberoAssurance, nor to modify or alter the Certification certificate in any way, including LiberoAssurance’s logo.
- If the Client fails to maintain compliance with the requirements for Certification, Certification may be suspended or withdrawn at the discretion of LiberoAssurance. A copy of the suspension and cancellation procedure is available upon request. Upon suspension or cancellation of the Certification the client will discontinue all advertising matter and stationery that contain any reference to the Certification and on cancellation, will return all the Certification documents.
- Is responsibility of the client to take all the required actions against the non-conformities raised by LiberoAssurance that led to the suspension of the certification. The client must submit the all evidences for actions taken to close out all the non-conformities raised. Failure to comply with the suspension conditions shall escalate the suspension to withdrawal / cancellation of certification.
- The client management system must include a provision, which makes it clear to its customers when it is supplying goods / services not made under it.
- LiberoAssurance cannot guarantee the same auditor for subsequent visits. The client can request in writing for change of auditors / Audit team based on appropriate reasons.
- The client must only claim that it is certified with respect to those activities scope of certification for which it has been granted certification.
- Information on incidents such as a serious accident, or a serious breach of regulation necessitating the involvement of the competent regulatory authority, provided by the certified client or directly gathered by the audit team during the special audit, provides grounds for the Certification Body to decide on the actions to be taken, including a suspension or withdrawal of the certification, in cases where it can be demonstrated that the system seriously failed to meet the OH&S certification requirements