ISO 14001 – Environmental Management System

ISO 14001-Environmental Management System

The Environmental Management System Certification will guide your organisation towards the improvement of your environmental performance and resource management.

What is ISO 14001?

ISO 14001 is an international standard which recognises the actions of responsible businesses in managing and controlling their environment. ISO 14001 Certification provides evidence that an Environmental Management System (EMS) is in place. It is designed to help businesses remain commercially successful without overlooking environmental responsibilities and impacts.

It can also help you to grow your business sustainably while reducing the environmental impact of this growth. Based on the Plan Do Check Act cycle, it can be used as a tool as well as focus on identifying, controlling and monitoring the environmental aspects of your organization and how to manage and improve the whole system.

Why is ISO 14001 important for your business?

Companies are now under pressure to make supply chains more environmentally friendly due to the growing global awareness of the environmental impact of consumer lifestyles. Organizations that implement ISO 14001 reduce costs and improve company-wide morale, while increasing the marketability of their brand. Furthermore, they prove their organization is responsible and respectful towards the environment and society in general. Additionally, certification may significantly reduce the risk of regulatory and environmental liability fines.

The benefits of ISO 14001
  • More effective management of the environmental aspects of your business activities by considering:
    1. environmental protection
    2. pollution prevention
    3. socio-economic needs
  • Insurance of compliance with environmental legislation and the reduction of risk of penalties and possible litigation
  • Demonstration of high levels of environmental compliance when bidding for international contracts or expanding locally to accommodate new business
  • Increasing sales
  • Financial improvement and saving
  • Cost savings in energy and material consumption
  • Enhanced company reputation
  • Prevention of incidents such as pollution release and cleanup costs as well as non- compliance with legislation and subsequent prosecution