World Vegetarian Day – 1st October 2021

World Vegetarian Day is observed annually on the 1st of October by vegetarians worldwide. The Purpose of the day is to raise awareness and promote the benefits of Vegetarianism. A Vegetarian diet has proven to have many benefits for our health, saves animals‚ lives and helps to preserve the Earth.

This day is aiming to popularize vegetarian foods and encourage people to lead a vegetarian style of living.

Celebrations for Vegetarian Day begin right on October 1st – till November 1st. The day concludes with the added celebration of World Vegan Day on November 1st. The month of October is regarded as Vegetarian month from 1978 onwards. The events are coordinated by the International Vegetarian Union to spread awareness on vegetarianism. Special workshops and talks are conducted worldwide.

LiberoAssurance team provides a private Vegetarian certification scheme which ensures the end customer that the products that are using or consuming:

·        do not contain meat and animal tissue,

·        their ingredients have not been tested on animals by or on behalf of the company,

·        the processing aids used in the manufacturing process are vegetarian, and

·        contains no GMO’s from animal genes.

Our eating habits indicate our lifestyle and thereby defines our health.

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